Definition of Ice show

1. Noun. Any entertainment performed by ice skaters.

Generic synonyms: Show

Definition of Ice show

1. Noun. an entertainment performed by ice skaters ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Ice Show

ice plant
ice plants
ice pop
ice pops
ice racing
ice resurfacer
ice rink
ice scooter
ice scooters
ice scour
ice sculpture
ice sheet
ice sheets
ice shelf
ice show
ice shows
ice skate
ice skater
ice skaters
ice skates
ice skating
ice skating rink
ice storm
ice storms
ice swimmer
ice swimmers
ice swimming
ice tea
ice tongs

Literary usage of Ice show

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Permafrost: North American Contribution [to The] Second International by Building Research Advisory Board Staff (1973)
"Water-quality analyses of massive ice show markedly different characteristics from that of the Greenland Ice Sheet, Antarctica, and other glaciers. ..."

2. Encyclopaedia Britannica, a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and edited by Hugh Chisholm (1910)
"... Greenland ice show that it is almost stationary over long distances. In many aspects the motion of a body of ice resembles that of a body of water, ..."

3. The Encyclopædia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and by Hugh Chisholm (1910)
"... glaciers show that near the ice foot where wastage is great there is very little movement, and observations upon the inland border of Greenland ice show ..."

4. The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General by Thomas Spencer Baynes (1888)
"... on the latent heat of fusion of ice, show it to be W'25 thermal units centigrade, a result differing but little from Black's original determination, ..."

5. Treatises in an Interstate Commerce and Railway Traffic Course by La Salle Extension University (1922)
"If the charge on a shipment protected by ice is based on the net weight of the shipment, plus ac centage for ice, show the weight as follows: 240 Net 60 25% ..."

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